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Welcome to my blog.

Hey. People have asked me what I'm going to be doing here, and the truth is, I don't really know. I guess it will be my personal diary of sorts, with fun stuff along the way too.

April 2008
May 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Okay, I've added Aly's blog, "Back At The Beach" to the Links section. She's better at deciphering, remembering and theorising about Lost & BSG than I ever will be. Yay! (take that Chas. :P)

Edit: Just added Aly's other blog, "1001 Books To Read Before You Die", and I'm starting it!

Busy busy day. And I'm oh so proud of myself.
First, I managed to squeeze a morning routine that would normally take about 3/4 of an hour into a 15 minute time slot, and managed to do something new with my hair. I was at school early, and found myself blessing God for giving me bony elbows, as I was first to my locker and got back to my class without a scratch. Then, I totally aced a History quiz, made a new friend, volunteered for a musical, finished two essays and finished a massive sketch all before morning break.
Nothing really happened between then and lunch, except during Maths I started fantasising about doing a Twilight podcast, and within 20 minutes, it was set! Also, I managed to set up the podcast's website with Blogger (BLOGGER for crying out loud) in under two hours, line up a set of guests, learn how to use the appropriate technology and find a few cool songs to use as themes. Now, I'm studying, forum posting, and downloading BSG.
Today, I am Superwoman.

Also, Chastity decided against the blog thing. Html is NOT her friend.

Monday, April 14, 2008
If you haven't seen the new promo for Lost, I suggest you scurry over to DarkUfo, and look... NOW! Not only is it a major relief to have new footage, and we see a certain some one in a gunfight (and apparently losing), but Kate undresses at the beach, and it looks as if Jack sees! Of course, this wouldn't be the first time ABC has tricked us with their wicked editing, but all I can say is.. I LOVE!! Seriously, this show just keeps getting better! To think I only started watching during the 3rd season.. I feel so ashamed of myself!

In other news, we have our first affiliate! Well, almost. My good friend, Chastity, from Athlone, has decided to start blogging too! All down to me, my good example and inspiration! Okay, down to her being bored stiff on a Sunday night, but meh. As soon as she has worked out the 'kinks' in her html., I'll update the Linkage section with her site.



Sunday, April 13, 2008
I've added a link to my design blog, and as soon as I re-jigger the html, I'll have links to other cool places too, as the frakkin' thing will only take blogger accounts. So, if you have a neat-o blog, comment, and we can discuss affiliating!



So, I'm going to launch right into things and say "Oh my gods. "Battlestar Galactica" is frakking awesome." I'm going gay for Katee Sackhoff, effective immediately. As you may or may not know, I recently jumped (no pun intended) head-first into the "BSG" 'verse (thank you, Aly), and I am a complete Starbuck & Apollo shipper. Earlier this morning, I finally got to sit down and watch the next instalment of the fourth series, "Six of One", and I don't think anything massive really happened other than a Roslin/Adama spat, Gaius slept with the President's assistant (who is a Cylon, btw), Dee and Lee said goodbye, a Six turned on the rest of the Cylons and Lee and Kara had possibly the sweetest reunion ever.

Also, I started and finished watching "Gossip Girl" this weekend, and I think I'm hooked. It's one of those shows that are filled with drama and cool clothes, but heart and relationships worth investing in. It makes a nice break from other sanity-taxing shows like "Lost" and "BSG", and some reveals or twists you see coming from a mile away. But it's done nicely. Twelve episodes in one season feels like several seasons, with all the angsty goodness.

In other news, videos and pictures from the "Twilight" set have me all a flutter. I admit, I was skeptical at first, but now I'm 100% behind R-Pattz as the wonderfully unavailable, fictional character, Edward Cullen. I've seen pictures submitted by fans, and a few promotional photos, but seeing videos is that much better, videos of actual footage is even better than that! Mark these dates on your calendar:

Release of "Breaking Dawn" (fourth in the "Twilight Saga"): August 2, 08
Release of "Twilight" (movie): December 12, 08.

Are you counting down? I know I am.
